David Tizzard recently wrote a piece for the Korea Times, ‘What if Ahn were King.’

In it he reflected on the derision many people show towards Ahn Cheol Soo as a serious political candidate and asks why. Korean media constantly talks about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and Ahn is the only candidate with any experience running a tech company. We are still in the middle of a pandemic, and Ahn is the only candidate with any medical professional experience, so where does the derision come from?

Today, Alex and David go behind the headlines to look at the issues facing the next Korean President.

Alex and David discuss the basic differences between the big two and what it might mean after March 9.

Both acknowledge the difference between the rhetoric needed to garner support, and the compromise needed to govern effectively. Whatever their statements towards wage levels, working hours, real estate supply are during an election, their working policies will most likely be moderated.

David also comments on the kinds of candidates we seem to be getting, not just in Korea, but also worldwide. As David says, “We are seeing that the quality of leadership is sometimes not what it once was. We are getting people to those positions on the back of social media campaigns and images rather than actual depth to their character.”

As David says,“ It feels like at the moment with everything that’s going on around the world, we’re living through history with a capital H. With COVID, the fourth industrial revolution, the situation unfolding in Ukraine, the world is not the same place. At this time more than ever, to be the president of any country must be a hell of a responsibility.”

Published On: March 2, 2022 / Categories: koreabizcast /